Friday, November 25, 2011

Coleman Wedding

Last weekend I had the very special honor of ,not only, completing my very FIRST wedding order and set up but doing this special order for a very special friend.

I have known Miss Stephanie since high school. She was a friend of my brothers and soon became a friend of our family. My whole family completely adores her as she is such a friendly and kind person. Stephanie contacted me last November in hopes that I would be able to assist her in putting together some sort of cake/cupcakes for her wedding. Of course I was totally willing to do it but I was about to embark on my journey through Culinary School so I wasn't able to commit to such a big project, not knowing what I'd be doing at the time of her wedding. 

This past October, Stephanie had contacted me saying that her and her fiancé, Steven, were dying to try some cupcakes from the bakery I am working at. We came up with a time to meet up and I put together some mini cupcakes for them. To be honest, Stephanie probably doesn't know this, but I thought they just wanted to try the cupcakes from where I work. I thought that they had already found a person to do their wedding cake. When Stephanie and Steven walked into the Starbucks where we met up, we sat down, chatted and Steven pointed out their Wedding Binder. Then they "popped" the question. "Would you be able to do 220 cupcakes?". I was so surprised but kept my cool. Haha! I was so flattered that they trusted me to do their wedding cupcakes and I even did a small 6-inch Red Velvet cake for them to cut into on their big day. 

Needless to say, I was very happy with the outcome of my work. I was very nervous because I was attending the wedding and thought I'd have a panic attack sitting in a room full of 200+ people consuming something that I had made with my own  two hands. Luckily, I have this really great boyfriend who calmed me down constantly and kept reassuring me that everything would be a hit. Not to mention a really great "pep talk" from my dad before he left for work early the morning of the wedding. 

I couldn't be happier for Stephanie and Steven. They make a beautiful couple and I am so happy that Stephanie has found her lifelong happiness. 

I was so nervous transporting the cupcakes to the venue. I had the help of a van that we borrowed from my boyfriends dad. We spread them out on a bed that is in the back of the van. 

I'm really sad that with all my frenzie the morning of the wedding that I forget to take a good picture of the cupcakes individually. I had some left over cupcakes and decorations and was able to take this shot:

Since I had taken Stephanie and Steven cupcakes from my place of employment, the flavors they chose for their wedding were inspired from the cupcakes they ate. The flavors they choose were Red Velvet, Punpkin Spice, Carrot Cake, Banana with Caramel Filling and Peanut Butter Milk Chocolate. In the photo above are Red Velvet, Pumpkin Spice and Carrot Cake. 

The wedding was so beautiful. The bridesmaids where in gorgeous chocolate brown gowns and there were autumn leaves lining the aisle. It was so crisp and fresh looking. Stephanie told me that she'd like leaves incorporated into the cupcakes. As you see in the photo above, I was able to achieve that with fondant. I used mint leaves to imprint veins onto the leaves and gold luster dust to add some dimension to the leaves. Each cupcake flavor had a different style leaf. I figured that it would be a great way to distinguish between the different cupcakes so I came up with this menu below for guests to choose the cupcake they wanted. 

I was really bad at taking photos. I really don't know why I hesitated to take photos. I've learned my lesson! Next time, take more photos Adriana! Here is a photo of my completed "creation". They rented the cupcake stand from a nearby cupcake bakery in town.

Their cupcake topper is adorable. Steven had ordered one but it didn't come in on time for the wedding. i was so bummed for them. I told my mom of the situation. My mom volunteers at a Cat Adoption with a friend of Stephanie's mom. Kris was at cat adoptions the day of the wedding, when my mom got there she told Kris the situation and Kris drove to a Christian Store and got this beautiful cake topper. I was so thankful for her that she was able to do that for Stephanie and Steven. The cake topper is called "The Promise". They'll be able to display it in their home to cherish and remember their special day. 

I couldn't manuever through the crowd to get a good photo of the couple slicing into the cake but here's one. It's a great photo of Steph's gorgeous dress though! :) 

Here's a photo of the couple feeding each other some cake. 

So, aside from the cupcakes, my boyfriend and I finally had our official first slow dance! Aside from him "serenading" me in the kitchen, this was our first slow dance and se dance to "My Girl". I loved it! We've been together almost 6 years and we've been to a handful of weddings and events that have music and dancing and we waited this long. I'm sure we will have many more slow dances. :) 

And lastly, here is a great shot of my brother dancing with the beautiful bride during the "Money Dance". I know that he is so happy for her and who wouldn't be? Look at how happy she looks! 

The couple is enjoying a honeymoon is Antigua right now. Hopefully they will have a chance to check this out when they wind down. I hope they know how thankful I am for the opportunity they gave me to my first wedding. This event gave me the confidence to take on orders in the future. Thanks guys for trusting me and I hope that I was able to make your night memorable. 

With Love,


  1. Aww this blog puts a smile on my face .. Your first wedding and it won't be your last . =) I want to say I am very proud of u girl . You did such a good job and I love how creative you were with the cupcake menu . Got to love that. Keep up the excellent work . Love ya - cupcake bff

  2. Nanni, this story is so inspiring. Your love for baking and genuine care for people and the love and the support of your family and friends has taken you far. I'm so happy and proud of you. May all your plans and dreams come true. Love you! Tia Becky

  3. Anny Si: Thanks Cupcake BFF. Thanks so much for the encouragement. My friends and family are always the ones I try to impress the most. You're opinions matter to me the most- it means a lot. Thank you.

    Rebecca: Thanks Tia! Thanks so MUCH for all your support. I can never express how much it truly means to me. Love you!
